Man typing with his thoughts on the blog he is writing shown in alphabet letters above.

Do you have a thought or idea you would like to share - then blog it?

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The League members have asked for the website to provide them with the opportunity to put forward their ideas and have the opportunity to comment on other people's points of view, so here is our blog page which you can also use as the league's messaging service.

On the right-hand side of the page, or at the bottom if you are using your mobile phone, you will see a list of categories which include other member's posts. Click on a category you may be interested in to reveal what they have to say, if you wish to leave a comment you will find a box provided directly underneath their contribution.

In addition to your comments you can promote your ideas by writing your own post. Your thoughts may provide better interaction between officers and members and change our league for the better. Please feel free to write about anything you wouldn't be offended to read if written by others. We are waiting to hear from you so, subject to editorial approval, you can 'blog it' here.

No excuses then, get writing to help us make this website an asset to the league!

Please send us your thoughts and ideas by writing in the 'POST FORM' below or, if you prefer, send an email to Colin at, don't forget to attach any photos you would like to be included.

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We look forward to hearing from you.