Without a doubt, you will find cribbage is quick and easy to learn and a really great card game.
All you will require to get started is someone to play with, a pack of cards and a cribbage pegboard (pencil and paper could be used initially if you don't have one). That's all, the only qualification is to be able to add up to 31 - so you're on your way.
The basic rules of cribbage are very straightforward and easy to learn, after that you just need plenty of practice to become an expert! Why not come along on a Tuesday evening and give it a try, we will match beginners together with someone more experienced teaching them the moves. See you there!

We list below a few websites that explain the rudiments and may be helpful when learning the game.
1) This excellent tutorial, Cribbage from start to finish was written with an American audience in mind so some of the termology would not be used in Britain, but it will give you a very good insight into the game.
2) How to play Cribbage by bicyclecards.
3) How to play Cribbage by how stuff works.
4) Play Cribbage by WikiHow shows the basic of the game in written and video format.
5) This site explains the five-card game we play as part of the match along with games of pairs. The Summer League uses the six card format.The Rules of Cribbage by Mastergames.
6) Cribbage Rules by rubl games.